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How do use First Responder to call another UIViewController's method

I have been trying to follow along this article on how to use the First Responder.

And it seems like if A view controller exists in side a container such as a navigation controller, I should be able to call a first responder method that is implemented in another view controller

Here is the layout in Storyboard:

UINavigationController -(relationship)-> UITableViewController1 -(push)-> UITableViewController2

I would like to implement a method in UITableViewController1


- (void)coolMethod:(id) { ... }

But call the method in UITableViewController2


[[UIApplication sharedApplication] sendAction:@selector(coolMethod:) to:nil from:nil forEvent:nil];

What I want is for the sendAction:to:from:forEvent: to send the action up to the UINavigationController and then and then send it down UITableViewController2

Is What I am trying to achieve a possibility? What am I doing wrong?

(Also, I tried linking it up in storyboard, but it will not connect. Clearly something is wrong but I do not know what I am missing)

Any help or advice you could give me would be greatly appreciated!


  • This isn't what the responder chain is for, and your VC1 is not in the responder chain for VC2. I guess you could implement your own navigation controller subclass to do this, but it wouldn't be good code.

    What you're describing is better handled by giving VC2 a delegate property and making VC1 implement the dal agate protocol and set itself as the delegate when VC2 is pushed.