I installed Cordova using the latest version of Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova. I'm trying to follow the instructions to install the opentok plugin here: https://github.com/songz/cordova-plugin-opentok but I'm having trouble figuring out how to install this plugin to my project. I'm not sure what CLI they're talking about. I'm assuming this tutorial is for non-VS (Though I'm not sure if it still applies to my setup.) I just installed the latest VS Tools for Cordova and am running Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate.
Thank you all.
Edit: I've found the answer and posted the solution.
I've found the answer. Within Visual Studio you can access the Cordova for VS documentation and in it there's a section for plugins. Plugins can be installed from within Visual Studio as described here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn757051.aspx
This has also been found thanks to sanfor:
After building for a native (non-Ripple) target for any platform, the contents of the bld/Debug (or bld/Release if you did a release build) folder is a standard Cordova Command Line Interface (CLI) project. -Visual Studio Cordova FAQ. So you should be able to run it after once building for some platform.
This could be used as an alternate method to the GUI.