Using the command du
, I would like to get the total size of a directory
Output of command du myfolder
5454 kkkkk
666 aaaaa
3456788 total
I'm able to extract the last line, but not to remmove the string total
du -c myfolder | grep total | cut -d ' ' -f 1
Results in:
3456788 total
Desired result
I would like to have all the command in one line.
That's probably because it's tab delimited (which is the default delimiter of cut):
~$ du -c foo | grep total | cut -f1
~$ du -c foo | grep total | cut -d' ' -f1
to insert a tab, use Ctrl+v, then TAB
Alternatively, you could use awk to print the first field of the line ending with total
~$ du -c foo | awk '/total$/{print $1}'