Hi i am working on a real time location tracking application where i have used Fused Location provider Api. I was able to get the location updates when the device is moving. But i was also able to get the location updates even if the device is stationary on a table when i am indoor. So I have calculated the distance between the last location and the current location triggered in Onlocationchanged event and checked whether the distance is less than 30 metres, to know the device is actually moving. But sometimes the distance i get is greater than 400 metres (indoor/Device is Stationary). How Can i ignore the onlocationchange event when i am indoor? Any suggestions are appreciated.Thanks in advance.
Unfortunately I don't believe there's much you can do about it.
The reason you see those updates with great changes it's because indoors, you won't get a GPS lock, so the device is relying on cell tower and WiFi hotspot triangulation to determine your location, and something around 200m to 1km is the best you'll get with this kind of technology.
A possible attempt to hack-around it would be to:
but both are a hack, around the technology limitation and might not be as reliable.