I have a product multiple items, i want to put barcode on them as it is required to sale them in local markete in Pakistan. For this reason i searched on internet to have solutions and i am still a little confused in it. Note: purpose is to sale my product in a local markete and they tell me to put barcode on it.
Do i really have to register my product with GS1 pk to get barcode number?
Through internet search i found a software named Really Simple Barcode
it make some barcode but not very attractive and also ask me about GS1 barcode number.
There is another mobile app named QuickMart
is an excellent app to scan different kind of barcode images and also create QR code for free. but i think that's also not what i need.
What kind of barcode i actually need for selling my product in local markete? codebar is suitable or not?
Do i need only one barcode image which will b placed on all the itmes of similar product? or i need to have separate barcode image for every single item of a single product?
Tell me if there is any way to avoid GS1 registration?
Once i will get my barcode image ready, then how to place it on my product? any simple and effective method?
Thanks in advance.
Do I really have to register my product with GS1 pk to get barcode number?
Yes. GS1 owns the numbers. Each GS1 office has its own rules but generally you need to join GS1 to obtain the numbers. They issue you with a set of numbers which you allocate to products as you need them. It has to be co-ordinated by a central authority (GS1) - same as car registration.
What kind of barcode do I actually need for selling my product in local markete? Is codebar suitable or not?
EAN/UPC 13-digit product code. Using GS1 Databar is not suitable. All systems in use nowadays world-wide are supposed to be able to read EAN/UPC 13-digit codes. If you produce your codes using any other standard, the equipment at the end-user sales location may not be able to read the code you are using.
Do I need only one barcode image which will b placed on all the itmes of similar product? or i need to have separate barcode image for every single item of a single product?
If you produce a million 400g can of beans in tomato sauce
then each one will carry the same barcode number. If you produce 400g can of beans in worcester sauce
then each one of those will carry another barcode number - it will be a different number from the barcode printed on your 400g can of beans in tomato sauce
as it is a different product. Every 825g can of beans in tomato sauce
you produce will carry a third number because it is a different size even if it is the same fundamental product.
Tell me if there is any way to avoid GS1 registration?
You can't avoid GS1 registration in some form. Some administrations will allow a single barcode number or a small set to be issued to a small manufacturer. Best idea is to telephone GS1 ( +92 21 2628213 in Karachi) and ask them. I have heard that they don't bite.
Once i will get my barcode image ready, then how to place it on my product? any simple and effective method?
GS1 can advise - it's their job and mission. Your label manufacturer will be familiar with the routine and can guide. All you need to do is worry about location on your product. Black bars on a white background are best, but other colour combinations are possible (and some are prohibited because the scanner equipment has difficulty reading the code.) GS1 can advise - it's their job and mission (I may have said that before.) GS1 will often want you to provide them with a sample of your proposed label for verification and will normally allow you a number of verifications as part of your membership. Again, they will advise what needs to be changed about your label if it has to be modified for any reason.
If you are producing individual labels using a barcode printer, then printing the barcodes is incorporated into the basic functionality of the printer. From there, it depends on whether you are constructing your labels by using the Printer Control Language for your printer (with which you should be familiar) or whether you are using label-designer software where you can no doubt simply drop a barcode onto your form in the same way as any text or graphic.
Tips: Look a similarly-shaped products already on the market for how to arrange your label. For instance, on small cans with a small circumference (like soft-drink cans,) the bars are probably best rotated so that the code is horizontal.