I am writing a small application with
In my application I need to do the following;
Here is some sample code starting at step 2
#step 2
my $device = $device_rs->create(
devicename => $deviceName,
objects => \@objects
object_groups => \@objectgroups,
#step 3
my $lastogid = $db->resultset('ObjectGroup')->get_column('objectgroupid')->max;
my $lastobid = $db->resultset('Object')->get_column('objectid')->max;
my $obgcount = scalar(@objectgroups);
my $objcount = scalar(@objects);
my $ogoffset = $lastogid - $obgcount;
my $oboffset = $lastobid - $objcount;
#now increment the object/group ids by the offset which will be inserted into the many- many table
foreach my $hash (@childobjects) {
$hash->{'objectgroup_objectgroupid'} += $ogoffset;
$hash->{'object_objectid'} += $oboffset;
#step 4 - populate the junction table
Now due to having multiple threads going a once the values obtained from step 3 may not be correct ( for the current ‘device’ ).
I’m trying to find a way around this issue. The only thing I can think of at the moment is putting a lock on the database tables before step 2) and unlocking after step 4).
How can I do this in DBIx::Class and is this likely to resolve my issue?
Thank you.
Something like
$schema->dbh_do("LOCK TABLES names");
$schema->dbh_do("UNLOCK TABLES");
Source: http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=854538
Also see: How to avoid race conditions when using the find_or_create method of DBIx::Class::ResultSet?