I have been using arc4random() and arc4random_uniform() and I always had the feeling that they wasn't exactly random, for example, I was randomly choosing values from an Array but often the values that came out were the same when I generated them multiple times in a row, so today I thought that I would use an Xcode playground to see how these functions are behaving, so I first tests arc4random_uniform to generate a number between 0 and 4, so I used this algorithm :
import Cocoa
var number = 0
for i in 1...20 {
number = Int(arc4random_uniform(5))
And I ran it several times, and here is how to values are evolving most of the time :
So as you can see the values are increasing and decreasing repeatedly, and once the values are at the maximum/minimum, they often stay at it during a certain time (see the first screenshot at the 5th step, the value stays at 3 during 6 steps, the problem is that it isn't at all unusual, the function actually behaves in that way most of the time in my tests.
Now, if we look at arc4random()
, it's basically the same :
So here are my questions :
Thank you.
Finally, I made two experiments that were surprising, the first one with a real dice :
What surprised me is that I wouldn't have said that it was random, since I was seeing the same sort of pattern that as described as non-random for arc4random() & arc4random_uniform(), so as Jean-Baptiste Yunès pointed out, humans aren't good to see if a sequence of numbers is really random.
I also wanted to do a more "scientific" experiment, so I made this algorithm :
import Foundation
var appeared = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
var numberOfGenerations = 1000
for _ in 1...numberOfGenerations {
let randomNumber = Int(arc4random_uniform(11))
for (number,numberOfTimes) in enumerate(appeared) {
println("\(number) appeard \(numberOfTimes) times (\(Double(numberOfGenerations)/Double(numberOfTimes))%)")
To see how many times each number appeared, and effectively the numbers are randomly generated, for example, here is one output from the console :
0 appeared 99 times.
1 appeared 97 times.
2 appeared 78 times.
3 appeared 80 times.
4 appeared 87 times.
5 appeared 107 times.
6 appeared 86 times.
7 appeared 97 times.
8 appeared 100 times.
9 appeared 91 times.
10 appeared 78 times.
So it's definitely OK 😊
EDIT #2 : I made again the dice experiment with more rolls, and it's still as surprising to me :
A true random sequence of numbers cannot be generated by an algorithm. They can only produce pseudo-random sequence of numbers (something that looks like a random sequence). So depending on the algorithm chosen, the quality of the "randomness" may vary. The quality of arc4random()
sequences is generally considered to have a good randomness.
You cannot analyze the randomness of a sequence visually... Humans are very bad to detect randomness! They tend to find some structure where there is no. Nothing really hurts in your diagrams (except the rare subsequence of 6 three in-a-row, but that is randomness, sometimes unusual things happens). You would be surprised if you had used a dice to generate a sequence and draw its graph. Beware that a sample of only 20 numbers cannot be seriously analyzed against its randomness, your need much bigger samples.
If you need some other kind of randomness, you can try to use /dev/random
pseudo-file, which generate a random number each time you read in. The sequence is generated by a mix of algorithms and external physical events that ay happens in your computer.