I have a solr server and query it using solrj. Suppose I want to search for results within only specific documents, and I have the ID's of the documents I want to look in. How do I configure the query to only return results from a specified list of documents?
List<String> documentList = ...; // collection of Strings of the
// ID's of the documents I want
// to look for
this.query = new SolrQuery();
this.query.setFields("id", "score");
this.query.addSort("score", SolrQuery.ORDER.desc);
this.query.addSort("id", SolrQuery.ORDER.desc);
What do I need to to make it so that all of the documents returned by the query are documents whose id is in the list of acceptable documents?
I've not used solrj
much, but it should be as easy as adding a filter query (I'm assuming you don't want whether a document is acceptable to affect the score) with the document list, e.g.:
String filterQuery = "id:(1 OR 2 OR 3)";
So you'll want to convert documentList
into a string delimited by OR
(and yes, I believe it does have to be uppercase).
If the number of acceptable documents is really large, then you'll have to make changes to your Solr configuration to allow a greater number of boolean terms in your query (I think the default is 512, or perhaps 1024; but I've used 32768 with no problems).