I want to use the celery.signature().set() method to change the configuration of my task when calling it in a chain.
Here's what my task looks like
class MyBaseTask(Task)
myconfig = None
def mytask():
print mytask.myconfig
Here's how I would expect to call the chain
chain(mytask.s(message).set(myconfig=config1), mytask.s().set(myconfig=config2))
is this possible? Other task related config can be set like this, queue for instance. How can I expose this behavior in my abstract base class?
No, I don't believe this is possible because celery currently keeps a white-list of values that can be transmitted as part of the message sent to the broker. Normally you would just pass the dynamic content as an input parameter to your task if you want to change it dynamically.
def mytask(myconfig):
print mytask.myconfig