I'm working on trying to download and save a favicon(.ICO) from a website using php. I want to convert this ico file to a png.
If I understand this correctly, a single .ICO file can store different image resolutions, like 16x16 and 32x32 (google's favicon is an example of this). My question is, is there a way to choose which ico file to convert?
Currently I can download the file
$image = file_get_contents('http://google.com/favicon.ico');
$saved_file = fopen("favicon.ico", "w");
fwrite($saved_file, $image);
This code downloads and saves a file called favicon.ico
Then when I run this line of code
I get this output
array(6) {
string(22) "width="16" height="16""
string(24) "image/vnd.microsoft.icon"
So my question is, how do I programmatically access the other icon sizes? I can clearly see them using Preview on my mac, but not within php.
Any ideas?
After many times I found your answer ;)
You can use this class: http://www.phpclasses.org/package/2369-PHP-Extract-graphics-from-ico-files-into-PNG-images.html
The sample code:
include 'class.ico.php';
$ico = new Ico('http://google.com/favicon.ico');
$im = $ico->GetIcon(0); //For get first image
//$im = $ico->GetIcon(1); //For get second image
//$TotalIcons = $ico->TotalIcons(); //for get total numbers of images in icon
header('Content-Type: image/png');
For first image 16x16 separate will be in output:
For second image 32x32 separate will be in output:
And also, this class have a great method for get all icon in single image. see:
include 'class.icothumb.php';
$ico = new IcoThumb('http://google.com/favicon.ico');
$ico->max_size = 128;
$ico->use_diferent_depths = false;
The output is perfect as single image: