I know what ticks are in PHP, but looking at the output of the following code:
function myfunc() {
static $n = 1;
print "$n) Tick<br>";
echo 'echo<br>';
The output is:
1) Tick
2) Tick
3) Tick
It tells me that the registered tick function 'myfunc' is executed 3 times. But, based on this answer -> PHP using Declare ? What is a tick?:
You get a tick for each line ; and each block {}
Shouldn't it be:
1) Tick
2) Tick
? As there are only two statements:
declare(ticks=1);<-- Statement 1
echo 'echo<br>';<-- Statement 2
Why 3??? If I remove the ";" from declare
, like this:
echo 'echo<br>';
I get the only one execution of the registered tick function:
1) Tick
So what is the definitely rule to count the tickable statements in order to understand how many times a registered tick function is executed? (I am asking it because of this example and because PHP manual actually doesn't cover the topic on counting tickable stats)
EDIT: Another strange behaviour in my opinion is this:
function myfunc()
static $n = 1;
print "$n) Tick<br>";
declare(ticks = 1)
echo 'Start<br>';
echo 'echo<br>';
which outputs:
1) Tick
The tick function is executed once, but the statements are at least 2 (if not counting the "end of the script" as @Marc B has pointed out)
what I finelly found is:
function myfunc()
static $n = 1;
print "$n) Tick<br>";
declare(ticks = 1) {
//echo 'Start<br>';
echo 'echo<br>';
outputs 2 ticks, one for block {} and 1 for echo. if you uncomment 'Start' that will bring 1 more tick as you expected.
So I think the best practice is to always use
declare(ticks=1) { }
with block brackets