I have seen other questions on here about reading the user_version, and that seems to be working fine for me. However I'm trying to use sqlite in FMDB to set my version number and it isn't setting.
_db = [self openDatabase];
[_db executeUpdate:[StudentController creationString]];
[_db executeUpdate:[ReadingController creationString]];
[_db executeUpdate:[SessionController creationString]];
NSLog(@"User version is %i", userVersion);
NSString *query = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"PRAGMA USER_VERSION = %i", userVersion];
[_db executeQuery:query];
the output I get is:
2014-01-16 22:16:25.438 MyApp[2810:1c103] User version is 2
2014-01-16 22:16:25.439 MyApp[2810:1c103] Query is PRAGMA USER_VERSION = 2
2014-01-16 22:18:09.272 MyApp[2810:1c103] Database copied and created
and after running the app for a bit, with the database saving and loading just fine, I restart the app and read the version number and I call this to check the version number:
FMResultSet *ps = [_db executeQuery:@"PRAGMA USER_VERSION"];
NSDictionary *results = [[NSDictionary alloc] init];
while ([ps next]) {
results = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:[ps resultDictionary]];
and results is a nicely formed dictionary:
(lldb) po results
$0 = 0x09bf5770 {
"user_version" = 0;
I would like to know: why is the user version number is not setting for me?
If you need to set PRAGMA user_version use:
[self.db setUserVersion:yourUserVersion]; // yourUserVersion is of uint32_t type
To read current user_version user
[self.db userVersion]; // returned value is of uint32_t type
FMDB encapsulate it since 2013 so you don't have to deal with it yourself.
PS: @HalR I think you can accept my answer as is it probably more useful for visitor searching for "how to set user_version PRAGMA" and it also solves your problem with neater solution as well.