Search code examples

Prolog wildcard for completing a string

I am currently stuck on a prolog problem.

So far I have:

film(Title) :- movie(Title,_,_). (Where 'movie(T,_,_,)' is a reference to my database)

namesearch(Title, Firstword) :- film(Title), contains_term(Firstword, Title).

It is hard to explain what I need help on, but basically is there a wildcard I can use to search for all films starting with a specific word, for example, if I were to search for all films beginning with the word "The".

Is there a wildcard which would allow me to input as such: namesearch(X,'The*') ?

I have tried using the asterisk like this and it does not work,

Thank your for your help


  • It all depends how the title is represented.


    If it is represented as an atom, you need sub_atom(Atom, Before, Length, After, Sub_atom)

    ?- Title = 'The Third Man', sub_atom(Title, 0, _, _, 'The').
       Title = 'The Third Man'.

    List of codes

    If it is a list of codes which is called a string in Prologs in Edinburgh tradition, you can either "hard code" it with append/3 or you might use Definite Clause Grammars for general patterns.

    ?- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes,codes).
    ?- append("The",_, Pattern), Title = "The Third Man", Pattern = Title.
       Pattern = Title, Title = [84,104,101,32,84,104,105,114,100|...].
    ?- Title = "The Third Man", phrase(("The",...), Title).
       Title = [84,104,101,32,84,104,105,114,100|...]
    ;  false.

    Note that 84 is the character code of T etc.

    phrase/2 is "the entry" to grammars. See for more. Above used the following definition:

    ... --> [] | [_], ... .

    List of characters

    Similar to list of codes, list of characters provide a more readable representation that has still the advantages of being compatible with list predicates and Definite Clause Grammars:

    ?- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes,chars).
    ?- append("The",_, Pattern), Title = "The Third Man", Pattern = Title.
       Pattern = Title, Title = ['T',h,e,' ','T',h,i,r,d|...].
    ?- Title = "The Third Man", phrase(("The",...), Title).
       Title = ['T',h,e,' ','T',h,i,r,d|...]
    ;  false.

    See also this answer.