I'm working in FirefoxDeveloperEdition and experiencing unexpected selector prioritization. I've read through the Smashing Magazine article "CSS Specificity: Things You Should Know" and, insofar as I can tell, have constructed the CSS selectors as they ought be in order to achieve the intended level of specificity for each. However, the wrong declaration is being cancelled out.
What's the issue, here? Have I not quite wrapped by head around the workings of selector specificity? Is this a bug? Or, something else?
<link href="css/style.css">
<section class="hud">
<section class="main float-l">
<a href="#0" class="button">
<div class="outer container">
<div class="inner container">
<p class="show"> <!-- This text is meant to be white by the style declared at line 159. But, it's grey by line 61. -->
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<div class="arrow"></div>
<p class="hide"> <!-- This text is meant to be white by the style declared at line 159. But, it's grey by line 61. -->
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58 .hud > .main p /* I also tried `.hud > .main p:not(.button)` */
59 {
60 vertical-align: middle;
61 color: #7C7C7C; /* This grey is applied of the white of line 159. */
62 {
155 .hud > .main > .button
156 {
157 display: block;
158 background-color: #986B99;
159 color: #FFFFFF; /* This white should be applied, but is overridden by the grey of line 61. */
160 height: 36px;
161 margin: 20px 10px 10px;
162 padding: 8px 20px;
163 font-weight: 400;
164 text-decoration: none;
165 text-transform: uppercase;
166 border-radius: 2px;
167 }
Tried .hud > .main > .button
vs .hud > .main p
Also tried .hud > .main > .button
vs .hud > .main p:not(.botton)
It's because first style matches the element and the second one is inherited from it's parent.
Specificity only plays its role when two selectors matches the same element. Not when it comes to style inheritance from parent elements.
You can see that on really simple example:
#myID {
color: red;
p {
color: green;
<div id="myId">
<p>Some text</p>
Even though #myId
is more specific text is green because p
selector matches that element directly and therefor is more important than color
inherited from div
To make p
elements inside .button
white you need:
.hud > .main > .button p {
color: #fff;