This may or may not be a duplicate question, partly because the destination folder it's trying to write to, is on a Windows filesystem. I have a script which has a mkdir php function in it, which is trying to create a folder and a file to a mounted windows file system.
Permission on the file
-rwxrwxrwx. 1 apache apache 24850 Jan 6 11:31 fns.php
Permission on the folder is
drwxr-xr-x. 8 a-linux-user root 0 Dec 29 15:55 ACT!
I have the file system mounted on /media/shared
I'm getting a mkdir(): Permission denied error
. I was wondering where I should start debugging the issue.
My httpd.conf file has this permission:
User apache
Group apache
the line or the fstab is
// /media/shared cifs uid=a-linux-user,credentials=/home/some-dir/.creds,domain=GRM,comment=systemd.automount 0 0
Edit your apache -> conf -> httpd.conf file & change User and Group from daemon to your machine owner name. (in your case: a-linux-user) See if that works.