I have a simple ToF(Time of Flight) camera module provided by a vendor that only contains a Depth Node.
I've already setup the PCL environment and can compile and execute the sample code it provides.
The ToF camera module comes with a source code shows how to get depth raw data(the x, y, z value) from the hard device, but doesn't tell how to stream it as both point cloud image and depth image.
Win 7 64bit, Visual Studio 2008, PCL all-in-one 32bit.
As a result, I plan to use PCL to show the Point cloud image and depth image with the x, y, z data I can get from that camera module, further more, if streaming is possible.
However, as far as I know right now is that PCL tends to store all the point cloud data as a .pcd file, and then reads it thus output a point cloud image and a depth image.
It is obviously too slow to do the streaming in such way if I have to savePCD() and readPCD() every time in each frame. So I studied the "openni grabber" and "openni range image visualization" sample code and tried execute them, sadly "No device connected." is all I got.
I have a few ideas to ask for advises before I try:
Is there a way to use Openni on a device except Kinect, Xtion and PrimeSense? Even if it's just a device with no name and only has a depth node?
Can PCL show point cloud image and depth image without accessing a .pcd file? In other words, can I just assign the value of each vertex and construct a image?
Can I just normalize all the vertices and construct a image with barely Opencv?
Is there any other method to stream that ToF camera module in point cloud image and depth image?
1) Changing the OpenNI grabber to use your own ToF camera will be much more work than to just use the example from the camera in a loop shown below.
2) Yes PCL can show point cloud image and depth without accessing a .pcd file. What the .pcd loader does is to parse the pcd-file and place the values in the cloud format. You can do this directly from your camera data as shown below.
3) No idea what you mean here. I propose you try to use the pcl visualizer or cloud viewer as proposed below.
You can do something like:
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
cloud->isDense = true;
cloud->width = widthOfTOFsensor;
cloud->height = heightOfTOFsensor;
cloud->size = cloud->width * cloud->height;
//Create some loop
//grabNewFrame from TOFsensor
for(int pointIndex=0;pointIndex<cloud->size();pointIndex++)
cloud->points[pointIndex].x = tofSensorData[pointIndex].x; //Don't know the tofData format, so I just guessed something.
cloud->points[pointIndex].y = tofSensorData[pointIndex].y;
cloud->points[pointIndex].z = tofSensorData[pointIndex].z;
// Plot the data using pcl visualizer or cloud viewer, see: