I'm using Skobbler SDK 2.3.0, targeting Lollipop, testing on a Nexus 5 and Galaxy S4, building on Android Studio 1.0.2.
I've a single MainActivity with a navigation drawer and fragments. I initialize Skobbler in the MainActivity and load the fragment that displays the maps. However, I only get a black screen with the watermark "Powered by Scout OSM" at the bottom right. Single and double taps are registered, but if I pinch to zoom the app crashes.
I don't see any errors in logcat before the app crashes. Can anyone help?
Project structure:
dependencies {
compile files('libs/SKMaps.jar')
01-05 22:58:42.835 26785-26785/com.example.android I/MainActivity﹕ onCreate
01-05 22:58:42.869 26785-26785/com.example.android I/System.out﹕ Item selected in navigation drawer
01-05 22:58:42.895 26785-26785/com.example.android I/MainActivity﹕ Adding login fragment
01-05 22:58:42.895 26785-26785/com.example.android I/MainActivity﹕ Done
01-05 22:58:42.895 26785-26785/com.example.android I/MainActivity﹕ Initialising Skobbler
01-05 22:58:42.899 26785-26785/com.example.android I/MainActivity﹕ Start initializeLibrary()
01-05 22:58:42.899 26785-26785/com.example.android D/SKMaps﹕ SKMapInitSettings---- Map style [/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.example.android/files/SKMaps/daystyle/ , daystyle.json ,-1]
01-05 22:58:42.899 26785-26785/com.example.android D/SKMaps﹕ SKVersionManager----setMapUpdateListener - com.example.android.MainActivity@1c8a98bc
01-05 22:58:42.899 26785-26785/com.example.android I/MainActivity﹕ End initializeLibrary()
01-05 22:58:42.899 26785-26785/com.example.android I/MainActivity﹕ Skobbler initialised
01-05 22:58:42.899 26785-26785/com.example.android I/MainActivity﹕ onCreate end
01-05 22:58:55.790 26785-26785/com.example.android D/SKMaps﹕ SKMapSurfaceView----SKMapSurfaceView constructor
01-05 22:58:55.790 26785-26785/com.example.android D/SKMaps﹕ SKMapSurfaceView----os model Nexus 5
01-05 22:58:55.797 26785-26785/com.example.android D/SKMaps﹕ MapRenderer----Set map density 3.0
01-05 22:58:55.800 26785-26785/com.example.android D/SKMaps﹕ SKMapSurfaceView---- ON PAUSE
01-05 22:58:55.803 26785-26785/com.example.android D/SKMaps﹕ SKMapSurfaceView----Saved map cache state [ Map Region zoom=17.0 center= [13.385000228881836,52.51665115356445]] [Display mode=MODE_2D] [Follower mode=NONE] [Compass shown=false Position = [0.0 ,0.0] ] [Rotation=true ] [Panning=true][Zooming=true] [Bearing=0.0] [Annotations=0]
01-05 22:58:55.811 26785-26785/com.example.android E/BitmapFactory﹕ Unable to decode stream: java.io.FileNotFoundException: null/res/xhdpi/icon_map_popup_navigate.png: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
01-05 22:58:55.813 26785-26785/com.example.android E/BitmapFactory﹕ Unable to decode stream: java.io.FileNotFoundException: null/res/xhdpi/icon_map_popup_arrow.png: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
01-05 22:58:55.822 26785-26785/com.example.android D/SKMaps﹕ SKMapSurfaceView---- centerMapOnPosition [19.8171,41.3294]
You're missing one statement after the map is initialized:
If you have a look at the example from Skobbler you see they copy the textures in one Activity
and show the map in a different one. The Activity
that shows the map calls mapView.onResume()
and mapView.onPause()
in the Activity
callbacks. If you want to load the textures and show the map in the same Activity
, you'll have to call mapView.onResume()
after the resources are copied and the map is initialized.