I've not been able to find anyone speaking of the same problem but i'm quite happy to be pointed to a post where something like this has been resolved.
As it stands, in portrait.
Picture 1: shows a media list, you can click a piece of media
Picture 2: you press the back arrow "<"
Picture 3: It returns you back to the correct page with everything working
Now, when I attempt to do this with a landscape orientation (locked or unlocked). As you can see, "View Media" at the top has disappeared and so has the Logout button.
Some things i've noticed about the problem:
After carrying out that second sequence in landscape mode, if I rotate to portrait all the features return. I've also noticed that while it's animating from the View Media page to the piece of media, if I click back ("< View Media") while the black bar is coming across (picture below) it all is there when I go back.
I've got nothing in the code that affects the orientation anymore as I thought i'd remove it all to start debugging but i've tried quite a few things and I think i'm barking up the wrong tree. Anyone pointing me in the right direction would be helpful! Thank you
I found the problem but I wouldn't really call it an answer. I've got the status bar hidden on the second VC in landscape but when I show it everything resumes fully working.. If I want to hide the status bar i'm having to create a fake back button:
UIBarButtonItem *item = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Back" style:UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target:self action:@selector(popVC)];
self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton = YES;
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = item;
then in popVC just
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];