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Sending HTTP Request to get photo in cardslib

I'm trying to get photos from secure domain. In order to be able to get the photo, I've to send HTTP request - or send Cookie - to get the photo.

This code is not working, as it sends normal request.

CardThumbnail thumb = new CardThumbnail(getActivity());
String photoUrl = "";

What I need is getting this secure photo by sending the required cookie.

In retrofit, I used to use:

request.addHeader("Cookie", "SESSION=123; CSRF_TOKEN=" + token);

But what is the solution in cardslib?


  • In this case the built-in function doesn't work.

    However you can use Picasso to obtain it.For example something like this:

     MyThumbnail thumbnail = new MyThumbnail(mContext);
     //You need to set true to use an external library
     public class MyThumbnail extends CardThumbnail {
        public void setupInnerViewElements(ViewGroup parent, View viewImage) {
            //Here you have to set your image with an external library
            Picasso.Builder builder = new Picasso.Builder(getContext());
            builder.downloader(new OkHttpDownloader(ctx) {
                   protected HttpURLConnection openConnection(Uri uri) throws IOException {
                      HttpURLConnection connection = super.openConnection(uri);
                      //Put your header values here 
                      connection.setRequestProperty("X-HEADER", "VAL");
                      return connection;
            Picasso sPicasso =;

    If you would like to use the UniversalImageLoader library, you can integrate the library in a similar way, as described here:

    To add parameters to the header in UIL, you can refer this question on SO:

    Is there a way to specify extra headers while fetching images using Universal Image Loader?