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Ruby backslash to continue string on a new line?

I'm reviewing a line of Ruby code in a pull request. I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature that I haven't seen before:

puts "A string of Ruby that"\
  "continues on the next line"

Is the backslash a valid character to concatenate these strings? Or is this a bug?


  • That is valid code.

    The backslash is a line continuation. Your code has two quoted runs of text; the runs appear like two strings, but are really just one string because Ruby concatenates whitespace-separated runs.

    Example of three quoted runs of text that are really just one string:

    "a" "b" "c"
    => "abc"

    Example of three quoted runs of text that are really just one string, using \ line continuations:

    "a" \
    "b" \
    => "abc"

    Example of three strings, using + line continuations and also concatenations:

    "a" +
    "b" +
    => "abc"

    Other line continuation details: "Ruby interprets semicolons and newline characters as the ending of a statement. However, if Ruby encounters operators, such as +, -, or backslash at the end of a line, they indicate the continuation of a statement." - Ruby Quick Guide

    Edit: Good clarification from @cesoid in the comments... Backslash only indicates the continuation of a statement, whereas + and - continue the statement and perform their normal operation. In other words, the backslash gets "removed", but the + and - don't. It makes more sense to say that + and - are operators that work across multiple lines (as do other things in ruby). Backslashes are different. For example, putting backlslashes between two strings on one line causes a syntax error.