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Resque Capistrano Deployment in Rails

I have a Rails 3.2.20 app which I'm introducing Resque into the environment to background job mail and sms alerts. I have everything setup in development properly and now I'm to the point of preparing to merge my branch and push to staging and then to production for testing. But I have a few questions.

1.) How much memory will I need to run Resque in production (approximately). I understand that by starting up a Resque worker it loads the full environment. I'm a bit tight on memory and don't want to have any issues. I'll be using a single Resque worker as our email/sms traffic is very light and we don't mind queues being backed up for a few seconds to a minute. I know this question is very vague, but I'd like to get a feel for the memory footprint that Resque requires.

2.) I will have Redis running but need to figure out how to start a Resque worker on deployment as well as kill the existing Resque worker. I've come up with the following which I would add as a Cap after deploy action.

task :resque_restart do
  run "kill $(ps aux | grep 'resque' | awk '{print $2}')"
  run "cd #{current_path}; bundle exec rake resque:work QUEUE=*"

I haven't actually tested this with Capistrano 2 (which I'm using), but have tested the commands manually and the first command does kill all the resque rake tasks and the second command starts up the worker with all Queues enabled.

I'm not sure if this is the best way to go or not, so I'd really like to hear some feedback on this simple Capistrano task I wrote.

3.) What is the best way to monitor my Resque rake task. So for instance if it crashes or catches a signal to terminate, how can I have it restarted so the app doesn't crash and to assure the worker rake task is always running?

Thanks in advance for any advice or guidance you can provide.


    1. It really depends on the size of your app. From my experience, generally a single Resque worker isn't much larger than your app's footprint. However, if your Resque worker will instantiate a lot of large objects, the size of the Resque instance could grow very quickly.

    2. Check out the capistrano-resque gem. It provides all this functionality for you, plus more. :)

    3. There are several options for this. A lot of people have followed something similar to this post about running Resque in Production and using the God gem. Personally, I've used a process similar to what is described in this post using Monit. Monit can be a bit of a pain to set up, so I'd strongly recommend checking out the God gem.