I want to create POJO class in Scala with only default empty constructor. In java, it's like this:
public class Foo {
private String name;
private String address;
//and the public getter/setter below...
In scala, I have seen that you can create POJO like this:
case class Foo(var name: String, var address: String, ...)
But in my case, the class will have many properties (around 50+), and I don't think instantiating the class with 50 constructor parameters is fit for this case.
Also, the class's properties value can be set (it's not read-only). This is how I expect the usasge of the POJO class:
val foo = new Foo()
foo.name = "scala johnson"
foo.address = "in my sweeet dream, oh yeah"
How about :
class C {
var p1:String = _
var p2:Int = _