I need to parse an XML file using perl which I can load the file using the XML::Simple module but within the XML tree there is a tag that I can't see using the DataDumper module but I can see it's value instead.
<testcase id="10">
Above is a Sample of the XML file with the testcase tag. It's the part that I have difficulty with. Using DataDumper to view the contents of the array I see something like this:
$VAR1 = {
'testcases' => {
'file' => 'testcases.xml',
'testcase' => {
'10' => {
Since the XML is defined like why isn't it layed out in the VAR1 array with the id included? Instead of expecting testcases->testcase->id I get testcases->testcase->10. Which 10 is the id but what happened to the 'id' tag?
That's because the default config includes
KeyAttr => [qw( name key id )]
KeyAttr => []
will cause id
to be no different than any other attribute.