I get an empty user list whenever I request the list of users in my Personal Project workspace using the Asana API:
According to the web app, I should get myself and my wife (cuz you know, she figured out how to get me to do things... ;)
Strangely when I request the list of all users in all workspaces, my wife does show up with my Personal Projects listed in her workspaces:
Is this normal? How would I get myself and my wife to be listed for the Personal Projects workspace?
Personal Projects is kind of "special" - technically, there is only one Personal Projects workspace, and everyone is a member of it. That's why your wife shows up as a member of Personal Projects - she's in her own Personal Projects. We use different access control to keep people's Personal Projects separate. You'll find that if you make a request on behalf of your wife, her Personal Projects has the same ID as yours.
As a result, Personal Projects don't have "members" in the same way as normal workspaces. I know that's not very satisfying, but I hope it's at least better to have a definitive "it doesn't work that way" than just wondering why it doesn't :-/