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What's the best practice to do "stable paging" in OData?

In the comment of this post (Problem with WCF Data Service (OData), SetEntitySetPageSize and custom operations), it mentioned “OData stable paging”.

I am quite new to OData, and trying to get stable paging in OData query.

By "stable paging", I mean there is an OData database in which new entries are constantly being created, I wanted the paging are not interrupted by the new data creation in the database.

For example, if I get the first page by $top=100, then get second page by $top=100&$skip=100, then the third page by $top=100&$skip=200, in which page size is 100. However, because the database is changing, the data I have skipped may not necessarily be the same data I retrieved from previous requests.

Just like the graph example shows data sorting by entry creation time, the first request and the second request:

enter image description here

I wonder what's the best way to do "Stable Paging"?



  • My current solution follows this post's recommendation - "Paging Through Results" by Markus Winand:

    It discussed general solutions to stable paging, although it's not OData specific, it works for my scenario.