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Gulp-js task to minify non-minified files and concatenate with minified files

How to write a gulp-js task which minifies only non-minified files and concatenated them with already minified files.


  • //Minify and transfer non-minified files to a temp folder
    gulp.task('scripts1', function() {
      return gulp.src(['js/*.js', '!js/*.min.js'])
        .pipe(rename({suffix: '.min'}))
        //.pipe(notify({ message: 'Scripts1 task complete to minify' }));
    //transfer minified files to the same temp folder
    gulp.task('scripts2',['scripts1'], function() {
      return gulp.src(['js/*.min.js','js/rev-slider/*.min.js'])
        //.pipe(notify({ message: 'Scripts2 task complete to copy minified files' }));
    //concat all minified files to a new dist folder
    gulp.task('scripts3',['scripts2'], function() {
      return gulp.src('dist/assets/js/new/*.min.js')
                ], { base: './' }))
        .pipe(notify({ message: 'Scripts3 task complete to concat all minified files' }));
    //delete the temp folder
    gulp.task('cleantempjs',['scripts3'], function(cb) {
        del('dist/assets/js/new', cb)
    //Now run the default task with clean task
    gulp.task('clean', function(cb) {
       del(['dist/assets/css', 'dist/assets/js', 'dist/assets/img'], cb)
    gulp.task('default', ['clean'], function() {