Is it possible to assign the same method to multiple delegates all at once?
public class Hoge
public event Action EventA;
public event Action EventB;
public event Action EventC;
public Hoge()
EventA += () => FugaMethod();
EventB += () => FugaMethod();
EventC += () => FugaMethod();
private void FugaMethod()
I'd like to simplify the assignments of the FugaMethod().
since events can't go as a parameter ... unfortunately ... no
if we are talking about a shitload of events, reflection would be the way to go ... but that i'd not really call "simplification"
for clarification:
what you can pass as a parameter:
the current list of eventhandlers attached to a static or specific event on a specific object (what you pass in this case is not the event, but a MulticastDelegate
what you can not pass as a parameter: the event itself ...
you are not able to pass an event in a direct way that would allow to attach another event handler ... for that you would probably want to pass the specific obect instance, the EventInfo
describing the event itself, and the new handler(s) ...
regarding "simplification":
what you need to do would be:
-use reflection to obtain the EventInfo
objects of the desired events
-for each instance and each EventInfo call EventInfo.AddEventHandler, passing the instance as target and the eventhandler as handler
since you cannot pass the event as a parameter, you cannot extract a simple and typesafe method to get the desired EventInfo objects. you will have to use some selection by name, or other logic that takes the instance type apart by using Type.getEvent or Type.getEvents
so, if you are not handling a shitload of events, like a few hundred, writing it like you did seems to be the preferable way to go ... the reflection approach will be anything but simpler or shorter