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How to use mllib.recommendation if the user ids are string instead of contiguous integers?

I want to use Spark's mllib.recommendation library to build a prototype recommender system. However, the format of the user data I have is something of the following format:


If I want to use the mllib.recommendation library, according to the API of the Rating class, the user ids have to be integers (also have to be contiguous?)

It looks like some kind of conversion between the real user ids and the numeric ones used by Spark must be done. But how should I do this?


  • Spark don't really require numeric id, it just needs to bee some unique value, but for implementation they picked Int.

    You can do simple back and forth transformation for userId:

      case class MyRating(userId: String, product: Int, rating: Double)
      val data: RDD[MyRating] = ???
      // Assign unique Long id for each userId
      val userIdToInt: RDD[(String, Long)] =
      // Reverse mapping from generated id to original
      val reverseMapping: RDD[(Long, String)]
        userIdToInt map { case (l, r) => (r, l) }
      // Depends on data size, maybe too big to keep
      // on single machine
      val map: Map[String, Int] = 
      // Transform to MLLib rating
      val rating: RDD[Rating] = { r =>
        Rating(userIdToInt.lookup(r.userId).head.toInt, r.product, r.rating)
        // -- or
        Rating(map(r.userId), r.product, r.rating)
      // ... train model
      // ... get back to MyRating userId from Int
      val someUserId: String = reverseMapping.lookup(123).head

    You can also try 'data.zipWithUniqueId()' but I'm not sure that in this case .toInt will be safe transformation even if dataset size is small.