I just like to do simple recursion. For a number if it is even then it'll approach to (number/2) and if odd then to (3*number+1). How many time it'll occur to reach 1.
for 10
10-> 5-> 16-> 8-> 4 -> 2 ->1
total process 6
long arr[10000];
long dp(int n)
if(n==2|| n==1) return 1;
if(arr[n]) return arr[n];
if(n%2==0) return arr[n]=1+dp(n/2);
else if(n%2==1) return arr[n]=1+dp(3*n+1);
return arr[n];
I've created function like this one and for some input like 999 or 907 causes segmentation fault.
I wanna know why?
And if I increase array size then its output correctly.
I wanna know why too?
Why its depending on array size as I've taken long as array element data type so it should output correctly for those input?
with 999
, you reach 11392
with 907
, you reach 13120
and those numbers are out of bound.