I would like to load a meteor template using iron-router but the template that I'm loading needs to be dynamic, I have tried a couple different approaches but none are working.
My router
Router.route('/forms/add-form/:template', {
name: 'addForm',
layoutTemplate: 'layoutApp',
waitOn: function() {
return Meteor.subscribe('producersList');
data: function() {
return Producers.find();
The router go
Router.go('addForm', {template: this.template});
The url is fine now I first tried having this in my router
name: this.params.template,
But that doesn't work I'm now trying the following in my addForm template
{{> UI.dynamic template=formToLoad data=myDataContext}}
console.log('aaaa ' + this.template);
You can pass data into template in route:
Router.route('/forms/add-form/:template', {
name: 'addForm',
layoutTemplate: 'layoutApp',
waitOn: function() {
return Meteor.subscribe('producersList');
data: function() {
return {
producers: Producers.find(),
formToLoad: this.params.template //here pass the template name
and in your template:
<template name="addForm">
{{> Template.dynamic template=formToLoad}}
Now if we run:
Router.go('addForm', {template: 'someTemplateName'});
It should load template with name 'someTemplateName'. Use camelCase syntax for template names because you will get syntax error with 'some-template-name' when you will define helpers or events for template.