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How can I get Visual Studio 2010 to show Chinese comments properly

I have some code from a Chinese business partner, and all of the comments in the code are in Chinese. However, Visual Studio displays them as gibberish. How can I get them to display properly. Here is a code example with some comments converted to gibberish:

void CTestAPIDlg::OnBnClickedButton2()
    if (m_bIsOnProxy)
        char proxyIP[64];


Thanks in advance for any help...


  • Ask your partner to save the source code file encoded in UTF-16 or UTF-8. It is still not the default encoding for C++ source code, Unicode is slow to catch up. File + Save As, click on the arrow of the Save button, Save with Encoding, choose UTF-8.

    You should be able to do this yourself as well. File + Open, select the .cpp file(s), click on the arrow of the Open button, Open With, select "C++ Source Code Editor (with encoding)". Pick the correct Chinese encoding (there are several to choose from) from the Encoding dialog box.