I need help. I'm trying to create a multiplatform mobile application. One of the functionalities is a local file browser that will allow user to select a directory and create a list of file in this directory. I've already spent couple of hours on that issue and I can not find any solution for that.
I've checked http://ngcordova.com/docs/plugins/file/
But if I understand it correctly it is used when I already have a file, it not allows user to pick the directory. I don't need anything fancy, it should as simple as possible
The Cordova FileSystem plugin (and ngCordova's wrapper) provide the ability the read directories from the file system. They do not provide any UI, so you would use the plugin to ask for a list of directories and then render it as you see fit. (A UL, a table, whatever.) To "browse" you could use a click handler on the list of directories such that when clicked, you then get the files/subdirectories of that folder. Again, the FS plugin adds support for doing that.