I am an iOS developer, trying to learn the differences between iOS and MacOS.
I have a very simple OSX app that runs fine on Yosemite but on Mavericks, the -viewDidLoad and other viewController methods are not being called, and I end up with an empty view.
I guess my main question is, what wasn't available in Mavericks and is in Yosemite that prevents such an elementary bit of code from operating? Is it possible that Mavericks doesn't support NSViewControllers the way Yosemite does?
Here is the code:
- (void)setupViewController
self.viewController = [[ViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"ViewController" bundle:nil];
self.window.contentView = self.viewController.view;
self.viewController.view.frame = ((NSView*)self.window.contentView).bounds;
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
// Insert code here to initialize your application
if (self.viewController == nil)
[self setupViewController];
[self.window makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
The app is setup with a MainMenu.xib which contains the app Window (and a view attached to that window which I replace above in code). There is also a ViewControler.xib which contains my main view.
And what can I do to have this application run on Mavericks?
UPDATE: It looks like NSViewController had no viewDidLoad, etc. prior to Yosemite. So, how best can I achieve something that works on both Mavericks and Yosemite?
On 10.10, awakeFromNib
seems to be called more than once. It might be better to check OS version like below.
- (void)awakeFromNib {
if (![self respondsToSelector:@selector(viewWillAppear)]) {
// setup here on 10.9
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
// setup here on 10.10