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ida pro decompiling incorrect result

recently i tried to decompile in ida pro 6.1 the ida out puts incorrect result , for all i decompile the functions i only receive this code :

int result; // eax@1
return result;

for all functions i decompile instead of the correct decompile out put it only shows that, for example:

int __cdecl sub_975BB0()
    int result; // eax@1
    return result;

and some of them have null output :

void __cdecl sub_975C50(int a1)

the wondering thing it was working since 2 days ago but suddenly it is working like that. i refreshed the ida 6.1 installation but no difference made . Thanks for helping ^^


  • i have same problem, to solve it set your clock(date) to 2014, will work