I tried
val arbLong: Gen[Long] = {
Gen.frequency((20, Arbitrary.arbLong), (20, null)).sample.get.arbitrary
"arbLong" should "be able to generate null values" in {
forAll(arbLong) { (generatedLong: Long) =>
so it does generate a null for longs, however I get NullPointerException
most probably because of Long
cannot hold null
what is the proper way to use an arbitrary long generator which includes nulls
Scala's Long
cannot be null (Pass null to a method expects Long). If you want to represent Long
s which may or may not be present then use either java.lang.Long
val arbLong: Gen[java.lang.Long] = {
Gen.frequency((20, Arbitrary.arbLong), (20, null)).sample.get.arbitrary
or Option[Long]
(see Generate Option[T] in ScalaCheck).