Why nested comments use by some programming languages such as MATLAB ,I just want to know usage of this kind comments in a program and what are the advantages we can gain by using this nested comments ?
Usually, coding standards for a particular project or program have rules about which comment style to use when; a common convention is to use block comments (/* */) for method and class documentation, and inline comments (//) for remarks inside method bodies and such, e.g.:
* Helper class to store Foo objects inside a bar.
public class Foobar {
* Stores a Foo in this Foobar's bar, unless the bar already contains
* an equivalent Foo.
* Returns the number of Foos added (always 0 or 1).
public int storeFoo(Foo foo) {
// Don't add a foo we already have!
if (this.bar.contains(foo)) {
return 0;
// OK, we don't have this foo yet, so we'll add it.
return 1;
If someone wants to temporarily disable entire methods or classes in the above program.It's very helpful, if that language allows nested comments.