I can write the function
powApply : Nat -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
powApply Z f = id
powApply (S k) f = f . powApply k f
and prove trivially:
powApplyZero : (f : _) -> (x : _) -> powApp Z f x = x
powApplyZero f x = Refl
So far, so good. Now, I try to generalize this function to work with negative exponents. Of course, an inverse must be provided:
import Data.ZZ
-- Two functions, f and g, with a proof that g is an inverse of f
data Invertible : Type -> Type -> Type where
MkInvertible : (f : a -> b) -> (g : b -> a) ->
((x : _) -> g (f x) = x) -> Invertible a b
powApplyI : ZZ -> Invertible a a -> a -> a
powApplyI (Pos Z) (MkInvertible f g x) = id
powApplyI (Pos (S k)) (MkInvertible f g x) =
f . powApplyI (Pos k) (MkInvertible f g x)
powApplyI (NegS Z) (MkInvertible f g x) = g
powApplyI (NegS (S k)) (MkInvertible f g x) =
g . powApplyI (NegS k) (MkInvertible f g x)
I then try to prove a similar statement:
powApplyIZero : (i : _) -> (x : _) -> powApplyI (Pos Z) i x = x
powApplyIZero i x = ?powApplyIZero_rhs
However, Idris refuses to evaluate the application of powApplyI
, leaving the type of ?powApplyIZero_rhs
as powApplyI (Pos 0) i x = x
(yes, Z
is changed to 0
). I've tried writing powApplyI
in a non-pointsfree style, and defining my own ZZ
with the %elim
modifier (which I don't understand), but neither of these worked. Why isn't the proof handled by inspecting the first case of powApplyI
Idris version:
Here are some things:
powApplyNI : Nat -> Invertible a a -> a -> a
powApplyNI Z (MkInvertible f g x) = id
powApplyNI (S k) (MkInvertible f g x) = f . powApplyNI k (MkInvertible f g x)
powApplyNIZero : (i : _) -> (x : _) -> powApplyNI 0 i x = x
powApplyNIZero (MkInvertible f g y) x = Refl
powApplyZF : ZZ -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
powApplyZF (Pos Z) f = id
powApplyZF (Pos (S k)) f = f . powApplyZF (Pos k) f
powApplyZF (NegS Z) f = f
powApplyZF (NegS (S k)) f = f . powApplyZF (NegS k) f
powApplyZFZero : (f : _) -> (x : _) -> powApplyZF 0 f x = x
powApplyZFZero f x = ?powApplyZFZero_rhs
The first proof went fine, but ?powApplyZFZero_rhs
stubbornly keeps the type powApplyZF (Pos 0) f x = x
. Clearly, there's some problem with ZZ
(or my use of it).
The problem: powApplyI
was not provably total, according to Idris. Idris' totality checker relies on being able to reduce parameters to structurally smaller forms, and with raw ZZ
s, this doesn't work.
The answer is to delegate the recursion to plain old powApply
(which is proven total):
powApplyI : ZZ -> a <~ a -> a -> a
powApplyI (Pos k) (MkInvertible f g x) = powApply k f
powApplyI (NegS k) (MkInvertible f g x) = powApply (S k) g
Then, with a case split on i
, powApplyIZero
is proven trivially.
Thanks to Melvar from the #idris IRC channel.