I'm building an android application. Encode and decode using Opus codec. I'm using native code from here http://www.opus-codec.org/ and the wrapper from here https://github.com/jitsi/libjitsi/tree/master/src/native/opus . In Android 4.0+, I created .so file and run, everything is OK. but in Android 5.0, It crash when I call native method. Here is the detail of crash:
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for long my.package.name.codec.Opus.encoder_create(int, int) (tried Java_my_package_name_codec_Opus_encoder_1create and Java_my_package_name_codec_Opus_encoder_1create__II)
I also search a lot but can't find the root cause and nobody has a same problem with me. below is my mk file, I think it useful.
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(wildcard ( libopus/src/*.c \
libopus/celt/*.c \
libopus/celt/arm/*.c \
libopus/silk/*.c \
libopus/silk/arm/*.c \
libopus/include/*.c \
libopus/silk/fixed/*.c \
my_package_name_codec_Opus.c ))
libopus/src \
libopus/include \
libopus/silk \
libopus/silk/fixed \
libopus/silk/arm \
libopus/celt \
libopus/celt/arm \
libopus \
LOCAL_CPPFLAGS += -ffast-math -O3 -funroll-loops
PS: if you need more files, please let me know.
After spending a ridiculous amount of time debugging the same issue myself, enabling checkjni, running javah in order to make sure my headers match my java code, compiling with PIE - I eventually found the issue.
Android 5.0 has added opus support. This means the system already comes with a libopus.so file. When you run loadlibrary - it isn't your compiled version that's loaded, but rather the libopus.so that was bundled with Android.
Just change your library name to libmyopus.so, and this should solve your problem. MY_MODULE_DIR := myopus and ofcourse update your System.loadlibrary call as well.