A shell script is analysing a control table to get the right parameter for it's processing.
Currently, it is simple - using grep, it points to the correct line, awk {print $n} determines the right columns.
Columns are separated by space only. No special rules, just values separated by space.
All is fine and working, the users like it.
As long as none of the columns is left empty. For last colum, it's ok to leave it empty, but if somebody does not fill in a column in the mid, it confuses the awk {print $n} logic.
Of course, one could as the users to fill in every entry, or one could just define the column delimiter as ";" .
In case something is skipped, one could use " ;; " However, I would prefer not to change table style.
So the question is:
How to effectively analyze a table having blanks in colum values? Table is like this:
ApplikationService ServerName PortNumber ControlValue_1 ControlValue_2 Read chavez.com 3599 john doe Write 3345 johnny walker Update curiosity.org jerry
What might be of some help: If there is a value set in a column, it is (more a less precise) under its column header description.
You don't say what your desired output is but this shows you the right approach:
$ cat tst.awk
NR==1 {
while ( match($0,/[^[:space:]]+[[:space:]]*/) ) {
width[++i] = RLENGTH
$0 = substr($0,RSTART+RLENGTH)
i = 0
while ( (fld = substr($0,1,width[++i])) != "" ) {
gsub(/^ +| +$/,"",fld)
printf "%-*s", width[i], (fld == "" ? "[empty]" : fld)
$0 = substr($0,width[i]+1)
print ""
$ awk -f tst.awk file
ApplikationService ServerName PortNumber ControlValue_1 ControlValue_2
Read chavez.com 3599 john doe
Write [empty] 3345 johnny walker
Update curiosity.org [empty] jerry [empty]
It uses the width of the each field in the title line to determine the width of every field in every line of the file, and then just replaces empty fields with the string "[empty]" and left-aligns every field just to pretty it up a bit.