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CRAN finds an warning that R CMD check --as-cran does not

I am using 32-bit R 3.1.2 on Windows 7.

I recently conducted an R CMD check --as-cran on a recently-developed package and received only the 'New submission' note. Research here and on R-devel suggested this could be ignored. I also used devtools::build_win() and received no notes or warnings, other than the one mentioned previously. Further, I built the package locally with R CMD build and R CMD INSTALL --build and everything worked as it should, including the PDF manual.

Upon submission to CRAN, I was told that a warning was thrown:

    This fails to make its manual:

    * checking PDF version of manual ... WARNING
    LaTeX errors when creating PDF version.
    This typically indicates Rd problems.
    LaTeX errors found:
    ! Missing $ inserted.
    <inserted text>
    l.682 }{}

    ! Missing } inserted.
    <inserted text>
    l.682 }{}


    The line appears to be

    \widehat{R_1} = \frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n{c_i/n}}{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n{L_i/n}}

Additional research here suggests that I use to check my package on the development version and results from that test threw only the "New submission" warning.

I'm at loss. I can't replicate the error that CRAN found an everything appears to work correctly on my machine and on, too.

Can someone please help me with resolving this issue? I freely admit that I am not a LaTeX expert but given that the line wasn't an issue with R 3.1.2 on windows or the development version on win-build, I don't know where to begin.

Package information is available here:


I used the inlinedocs package to write my functions and comments. The warning is coming from the .R, line 127:

this function

and the .Rd line 39:

this .Rd

Thanks for your help.


  • I was able to reproduce this problem on Ubuntu 12.04 with r-devel by cloning the Github repo and running

    R CMD build creelSurvey
    R CMD check --as-cran BusRouteCreelSurvey_0.2.1.tar.gz

    I was able to fix it by removing DOS end-of-line markers (^M or Ctrl-M) from man/SimulateBusRoute.Rd. I don't know the easiest way to do this on Windows (you could look for a dos2unix utility, or possibly come up with a readLines solution.

    I don't know how it will work across platforms, but this seems to work for me:

    fn <- "MakeAnglers.Rd"
    r <- readLines(fn)

    I would (1) look for (possibly obscure) warnings in the R Extensions manual about end-of-line markers and then (2) report this, either to the CRAN maintainers or by posting on

    In general you should be able to detect these problems if you can set up a test build on a Linux system; I don't know of an equivalent of for Linux systems, but is a good resource, and this Github project is a good way to get started with R projects on Travis. (Or you can set your project up on R-forge.) I recognize that this might be more of a project than you're looking for right now, just including it for future reference.