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how to update the view based on a object change in backbone and marionette?

i have a view:

define(['backbone', 'hbs!tmpl/test_tmpl'],
function (Backbone, TestTmpl) {
    'use strict';
    return Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
        initialize: function () {
            this.projects = {};
        template: TestTmpl,
        templateHelpers: function () {
            return {
                projects: this.projects
        ui: {},
        events: {},
        onRender: function () {
            this.projects = {title: 'a'};
            return this;

then in the view:

{{#each projects}}{{this.title}}{{/each}}

in the onRender() method i update the project this.projects = {title: 'a'}; and when that is set, i want the view data to update as well

any ideas?


  • Try to call


    Typically, you would use a collectionview instead of an itemview.
    If you happen to need more HTML surrounding the wrapping element, use a compositeview instead.

    Note that a collectionview takes a Backbone Collection when you pass it:

    var collectionview = new CollectionView({ collection: bbCollection }); 

    An itemview takes a model:

    var itemview = new ItemView({ model: bbModel}); 

    For your example, using a collectionview removes the need to create a loop within the template.
    You can access the current itemview's properties by calling


    On the itemview.

    In your example, it would appear to me that you rather have an array instead of an object:

    var projects = [{ title: "X"}, { title: "Y" }]; 

    You can create a Backbone collection on the fly this way:

    var projects_collection = new Backbone.Collection(projects); 

    And pass it on to the collectionview:

    //First create a Marionette Collectionview, then: 
    var projectsCollview = new ProjectsCollview({ collection: projects_collection });