Issue: Initially, Through command line as a root user,I accessed a package called pandoc (/root/.cabal/bin/pandoc)
which was installed in root folder. When I try to access that package through php using shell_exec()
,it fails.
Question: Is there any limitation for php shell_exec()
not to access root packages for security purposes? If so,how to resolve it?
I tried: Gave write permission to root folder then I could access root packages through
command line not as a root user. yet I couldn't to access it through php shell_exec()
php code:
shell_exec("cd /home/quotequadsco/public_html/pandoc_jats ; sudo -u quotequadsco
-S /root/.cabal/bin/pandoc ex.tex --filter /root/.cabal/bin/pandoc-citeproc
-t JATS.lua -o ex.xml");
and also tried,
shell_exec("cd /home/quotequadsco/public_html/pandoc_jats ;/root/.cabal/bin/pandoc
ex.tex --filter /root/.cabal/bin/pandoc-citeproc -t JATS.lua -o ex.xml");
Expectation: I need to execute pandoc root package through shell_exec()
in php.
Added the following line in the /etc/sudoer file
#Defaults requiretty //commented this line
usergroup ALL=(ALL) ALL
PHP code,
shell_exec("cd /home/quotequadsco/public_html/pandoc_jats ;echo password | sudo
-S command"); //added a password for sudo command to run as a root user.