I would like to use a SPARQL DELETE/INSERT to ensure that after repeated updates ?performance
and certain connected blank nodes do not have multiple property values but only zero (for optional cases) or one (for mandatory cases).
If I send the DELETE/INSERT (see below) to a Jena Fuseki 1.1.1 server I receive this error message: "Blank nodes not allowed in DELETE templates".
However, the specification contains this sentence: "The DELETE/INSERT operation can be used to remove triples containing blank nodes."
So what's a valid form of a DELETE/INSERT that does the job in this case? To ease maintenance it would be good if the DELETE and INSERT parts can remain structurally similar. (This is a follow-up question.)
mo:performer ?_ ;
mo:singer ?_ ;
mo:performance_of [ ### error marked here ###
dc:title ?_ ;
mo:composed_in [ a mo:Composition ;
mo:composer ?_
mo:performer ?performer ; # optional
mo:singer ?singer ; # optional
mo:performance_of [
dc:title ?title ; # mandatory
mo:composed_in [ a mo:Composition ;
mo:composer ?composer # optional
You need something in the WHERE part. This will find the bnodes, put them in variables, and use the DELETE to remove them. The DELETE{} is not itself a pattern to match - the graph pattern is the WHERE {} part.
Something like:
mo:performance_of ?X .
?X dc:title ?title ;
mo:composed_in ?Y .
?Y a mo:Composition .
?Y mo:composer ?composer .
?performance mo:performer ?performer ;
mo:singer ?singer
mo:performance_of ?X .
?X dc:title ?title ;
mo:composed_in ?Y .
?Y a mo:Composition .
OPTIONAL { ?Y mo:composer ?composer }
?performance mo:performer ?performer ;
mo:singer ?singer
There is no point making DELETE{} and INSERT{} the same - it's effectively a no-op.
If a variable in bout bound in a particular row from the WHERE{} part, the deletion simply skips that triple, not the rest of the instantiated template.
It may be clearer, to humans, to write the SPARQL Update in several parts. One HTTP request can have several operations, separated by ";":