I need to rotate the UI 180 degrees of my surface application in runtime when a user presses a button. How do I do this?
Just apply a RotateTransform on your topmost panel (I think you can even do it on the actual surface window if you want) with an angle of 180 degrees.
<s:SurfaceWindow x:Class="SurfaceApplication1.SurfaceWindow1"
<RotateTransform x:Name="mainOrientation"/>
<s:SurfaceButton Click="btn_Click" Content="Click to rotate" />
... other content here ...
And in code behind:
private void btn_Click (object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (mainOrientation.Angle == 0)
mainOrientation.Angle = 180;
mainOrientation.Angle = 0;
As a related topic, you can also listen to the surface's OrientationChanged event to know when a user has changed side of your app. A good practice is to flip the app to the correct side when this happens.