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Android Cannot Resolve R after modifying XML and trying to run

Okay, I'm completely lost on this one. I see that there are other posts on this topic, but they don't seem to address the odd behavior I'm experiencing.

I'm working in Android Studio 1.0.1 I started a new project from a template using a blank activity. Created a Menu File that contains the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<menu xmlns:android=""

<item android:id="@+id/edit_holidays"
   yourapp:showasaction="ifRoom" />


I then went to run the application and it gave me a no resource identifier found for attribute 'showasaction'... message

But worse, I noticed that my file suddenly had red squigglies under it, and upon checking it, all of the 'R' references went red with a 'cannot resolve R'

Based on other posts, I added, which had not been there, though it seemed to resolve the R's. Then, however, the calls to my xml files turned red and could not be resolved, such as in


Any ideas what might have happened and how to fix it?


  • Adding the android.R import is not the way to go. Have you tried rebuilding the project (Build -> Rebuild)? This should regenerate the R file. I also think capitalization might be important - try showAsAction rather than showasaction in the menu xml file.