how to get sum of two CGRect
CGRect requiredFirst = [firstName boundingRectWithSize:constrainedSize options:NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin context:nil];
CGRect requiredLast = [lastName boundingRectWithSize:constrainedSize options:NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin context:nil];
CGRect height = ???
Here's an example of a method that will do that:
- (CGRect)combineFrames:(CGRect)frame1, f2:(CGRect)frame2{
CGFloat x = frame1.origin.x + frame2.origin.x;
CGFloat y = frame1.origin.y + frame2.origin.y;
CGFloat width = frame1.size.width + frame2.size.width;
CGFloat height = frame1.size.height + frame2.size.height;
CGRect combinedFrame = CGRectMake(x, y, width, height);
return combinedFrame;
This method just adds all four of the frame's aspects (x, y, width, height) together individually then reconstructs it and returns it. Use it like this:
CGRect combinedFrame = [self combineFrames:requiredFirst, f2:requiredLast];
CGFloat height = combinedFrame.size.height;