I'm working on a project that uses Mongoose, and I need to make a POST request to another server. I don't see an example of how to do this in their examples list, does anyone know how to do this?
EDIT to add more detail:
I'm working within a larger C++ app and need to create a simple server such that a user can query the app for information. Right now, I start the server like this:
Status sampleCmd::startServer()
Status stat = MS::kSuccess;
struct mg_server *server;
// Create and configure the server
server = mg_create_server(NULL, ev_handler);
mg_set_option(server, "listening_port", "8080");
stopServer = false;
printf("Starting on port %s\n", mg_get_option(server, "listening_port"));
while (!stopServer) //for (;;)
mg_poll_server(server, 1000);
// Cleanup, and free server instance
return stat;
In my event handler, I parse the provided URI for a particular one and then run some commands with the application's API. I need to send these results back to a server for the user to see. It's this latter step that is unclear to me. It seems odd that a web server library wouldn't have some client functionality, don't servers need to talk to other servers?
Okay, it turns out I was thinking about this wrong. I needed to respond to the POST request I was getting. So using mg_printf_data(...) with the connection object worked for me.