I'm using Bourbon.io (http://bourbon.io/docs/#retina-image) to have a retina image for a picture:
Here's my html:
<div class='image'>some text that will get hidden</div>
and my css:
.image {
@include retina-image(image, top left);
height: 300px;
width: 300px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
text-indent: -31445px;
I have both a image.png(that is 300x300 px) and a image_2x.png (600x600 px). Right now, its showing the retina image, but its displaying at 600*600 (so it's cut off and you can only see the top left of the image. How do I get it to scale down to fit inside 300*300?
Use the background-size
.image {
background-size: 300px;