I use linux for my cloud based servers on Amazon-EC2 and openstack. When trying to run:
sudo chhown ubuntu somepath
I get this error every once in a while:
sudo: unable to resolve host
Most answers to this question on the internet are to edit the /etc/hosts file.
However, I deploy my servers automatically. besides that, I am not logging on using "localhost", but rather my AWS public DNS:
ssh -i mykey.pem ubuntu@ec2-12-34-56-78.eu-central-1.compute.amazonaws.com
So I cannot just trivially insert localhost, not to mention that my IP can change after I reset my machine. (Don't want to "waste" my precious floating IPs for every server)
Also, I deploy tens of servers at a time, so I cannot afford the manual step of editing a text file. Is there an automated fix for this issue? Recently I've started using openstack, and the issue is present there too.
EC2 instances inside VPC will resolve their auto-assigned internal hostnames correctly, only if you configure the VPC correctly. You need:
DNS hostnames: yes
DNS resolution: yes