I would like use Javascript for Automation in OS X Yosemite to create a new email message in Mail.app and attach a file to the email. This is my code:
Mail = Application('com.apple.Mail')
message = Mail.OutgoingMessage().make()
message.visible = true
message.toRecipients.push(Mail.Recipient({ address: "abc@example.com" }))
message.subject = "Test subject"
message.content = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit"
It works fine until this point. I see a new message window with the recipient, subject, and body text correctly filled in. But I can’t figure out how to add a file attachment to the message. The scripting dictionary for Mail.app indicates that the contents
property (an instance of RichText
) can contain attachments, but I don’t know how to add one.
I tried this but I get an error:
// This doesn't work.
attachment = Mail.Attachment({ fileName: "/Users/myname/Desktop/test.pdf" })
message.content.attachments = [ attachment ]
// Error: Can't convert types.
I found several examples on the web how to do this in AppleScript, for example this one:
tell application "Mail"
set theAttachmentFile to "Macintosh HD:Users:moligaloo:Downloads:attachment.pdf"
set msg to make new outgoing message with properties {subject: theSubject, content: theContent, visible:true}
tell msg to make new attachment with properties {file name:theAttachmentFile as alias}
end tell
But I can’t figure out how to convert this to Javascript.
I figured out a way to do this through trial and error, you need to use message.attachments.push(attachment)
instead of attachments = [...]
Mail = Application('com.apple.Mail')
message = Mail.OutgoingMessage().make()
message.visible = true
message.toRecipients.push(Mail.Recipient({ address: "foo.bar@example.com" }))
message.subject = "Testing JXA"
message.content = "Foo bar baz"
attachment = Mail.Attachment({ fileName: "/Users/myname/Desktop/test.pdf" })